Interested In Joining?
If you are interested in joining the Hackshop Garage Car Club, you can send us an enquiry to find out if your vehicle is eligible.
If it is found to be eligible, and it is the first time your vehicle is applying for Club Reg, you will need to provide us with a valid road worthy certifcate, our club scrutineers will need to inspect the vehicle and the club paperwork filled out to join the Hackshop Garage Car Club and the associated fees involved.
Once all that is completed, you can then submit your paperwork to Vicroads and receive your new Club plates and start enjoying the benefits of Victorian Club Reg and Hackshop Garage Car Club Membership.
How Does Club Reg Work?
In Victoria, Club reg or Historic Club Plates, allows members of Vicroads approved clubs, such as the Hackshop Garage Car Club, to register their vehicle at a substantially discounted rate.
Vehicles registered under the Club Permit Scheme are limited to 45 days of use, and this is tracked via a log book. However an extra 45 days of use can be purchased if need be.
To be eligable for club reg, your vehicle must be over 25 years of age.
To transfer a vehicle from regular registration to Club Reg, the vehicle is required to have a road worthy inspection, and a club inspection by the approved club scrutineer you are joining. This inspection is carried out by our club scrutineers to ensure that the vehicle is safe, and meets the clubs standard.
Basic modifications are allowed, to a degree, however major modifications, such as engine swaps or engine upgrades to increase the power level by a substantial amount, may mean the vehicle does not meet Club Reg eligibility as designated by Vicroads.
However if your Vehicle has an engineering certificate, it can be registered as an M-plate vehicle and the vehicle can still be approved for club permit/reg. Engineered vehicles fall under the M-plate category, meaning you can still have all the benefits of Club Reg.
For more detailed information on Victorian Club Plate Scheme, click below.